
Running With Sharp Objects

Book Cover of Sharp: Arca Book 7 by Karen Diem. Arca stands in a field of pumpkins… and by that, I mean the seventh book in the Arca superhero urban fantasy series, Sharp! It has all the things you’d hope to find in an account of a Halloween visit to mom’s cozy small town. Pumpkins. Apple cider donuts. Murder. Fiberglass aliens. Theme supervillains. Guilt. Mystery. Car crashes. Random monsters. Possibly explosive pumpkins. You know, the usual.

Sharp releases October 26, 2022. Grab a copy now for $2.99 USD or equivalent! The price will go up to $3.99 USD in a few weeks. Paperbacks will hopefully be available in time for Christmas. Buy it here.

If you’re still not certain if it’s for you, read the all the other books first. If you’ve already done that and are afraid that it just won’t live up to the cheesy innuendo, bad decisions, and exciting action adventure of the rest of the series, check out Chapter One for a taste of the nutty goodness.

Hunt Down Monster!

Monster is on the loose! The fourth book in the Arca superhero urban fantasy series released today, May 5, 2019. What happens in this one? Here’s a quick description:Monster by Karen Diem

When the authorities abandon the search for a serial killer targeting Zita Garcia’s family, the sometime superhero will do whatever it takes to find him. If finding him means fighting literal monsters, wrangling glitter-obsessed vampires, or going to nightclubs, she’s in, even if the undead and line dances make her skin crawl. She needs to solve this fast—before things go from bad to hearse.

Here’s where you can find Monster:



Barnes & Noble



Paperback versions will follow in a few weeks, but I can tell you that the 6×9″ books will have 322 pages filled with adventure, lame jokes, and all the Arca you expect. I’ll comment below when that happens.

To celebrate the release and readers who’ve stuck around for the past three books, I’m releasing the ebook at $2.99. After a week or so, the price will go up to $3.99 USD (or equivalent). I have no current plans to put it on sale again this year, though that decision is subject to change.

Need more info? Check out the full description or the first chapter!

AND… Super will be on sale for 99 cents USD (or equivalent) in all stores until May 15 for readers who like to start from the origin story and work their way up to the latest adventure. See the Books page for the store links.

NOTE: I am an Amazon affiliate, which means if you purchase an item at Amazon following a link on one of my pages, I may someday receive a few pennies from them.

Human Release! ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

What’s the best way to celebrate the famous win of Mexican underdogs against overwhelming forces? For me, it’s to run around like a crazy woman announcing the Human release! In your case, have some awesome Mexican food, relax, and pick up a copy of Human to enjoy while you munch.

For those contemplating following me on Twitter, I generally don’t tweet links to buy my books other than on a release or sale date. On May 6, I should return to my usual tweet habits.

About HumanHuman by Karen Diem

Death? Acceptable risk. Taxes? No problem. Ancient magical cutlery of mass destruction? Bad, very bad.

Following a brief foray into the world of superpowered vigilantism, extreme sports enthusiast and halfhearted tax preparer, Zita Garcia, wants her old life, her shiny new abilities, and none of the consequences. She’s even willing to hide her powers since the alternative means endangering her family and living life as a literal lab rat.

Unfortunately, villains are searching for the pieces of a decrepit magic dagger, hurting innocents and fueling nasty anti-super protests. Her close friends, who helped before, are barely speaking to her, and one of them stands in the path of the violent hunt for the knife.

Zita better dig out her mask—fast.

Human is the second in the Arca superhero urban fantasy series, and as a movie would be rated “R” for immoderate language, lame sexual innuendo, and comic book violence. While Human can be read as a standalone, it contains minor spoilers for the first book in the series.

Human Release Availability

Human is currently available on Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords and most major book retailers in both ebook and paperback format. To avoid boring people to tears, I’ve only listed the most popular places. If you’d prefer, you can read the first chapter before purchasing.

NOTE: I am an Amazon affiliate. If you make a purchase from an Amazon link on my site, someday I may earn a few cents from it.

Super Progress Extraneous Exclamation Points

Things! Things are happening! Woo! Admiring my grasp of language yet? It’s late here, so forgive me. Here’s the latest Super progress and a bit more:

  • If things work out, Super will release on May 5, 2016. It seems like an auspicious date for Zita Garcia. If it misses, I will post the new release date and make it as close to then as possible. The most likely reason for it to miss is if I have trouble converting it to the necessary formats.
  • The cover artists have the details of Super in their hands, and have told me to expect the cover in mid to late April. I can’t wait to see how they interpret the book; they’ve received excellent reviews from other writers. This site will also receive a style update when those cover images come out.
  • Additionally, my friendly neighborhood beta readers will be getting the latest draft of the book at the end of the week. With any luck, they’ll have some feedback to make it a better book.
  • I’ve hooked up a newsletter for anyone interested in keeping track of the latest updates, and getting some freebies specifically for my subscribers. I’m outlining a free short story now for those who sign up – if people sign up before I finish it, it’ll be available in the first newsletter after completion.
  • Book Two is getting the final touches on its outline. Writing will begin during the beta reader review period. I’ll switch between writing that and the freebie short story dependent on which is progressing better. I’m trying not to get distracted by a Halloween novella, but that might happen too.

Releasing Summer 2016!

Aww… The first blurb for my urban fantasy novel. It warms the soul.

Adrenaline junkie and almost-respectable accountant Zita Garcia would not know a superhero from that guy down the street getting the mail in his pajamas. The second-to-last thing she expected was to wake from a spontaneous coma, quarantined, and with super powers she needed to hide from everyone, including her family. Now Zita must master her new abilities while dodging kidnappers, evading government inquiries, and finding her missing brother. Keeping her clothes on all day would be a nice bonus. The only thing weirder would have been if the blind date had gone well.

Super is the first in the Arca series and will be releasing summer 2016.

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