Monthly Archives: May 2018

Power’s Out!

Don’t stumble around in the dark! Get a copy of Power today! The third book in the Arca superhero urban fantasy series, Power, released today, May 5, 2018.

Karen Diem - Power - Arca Book 3In this book, Zita Garcia is trying to be good and return to her normal, quiet life of extreme sports, secret vigilantism, and scrounging for a paycheck. Unfortunately, nobody told her least favorite supervillains, and now she’s got to stop them before more people die. Even if she doesn’t know what they’re doing, other than it involves Brazil… and dinosaurs?

You can find it at major book retailers including:


Barnes & Noble




To celebrate the release and readers who’ve stuck around for the past couple of books, I’m releasing the ebook at $2.99. After a week or so, the price will go up to $3.99 USD (or equivalent). I have no current plans to put it on sale again this year, though I’ll revisit that decision in the fall.

Paperbacks should be available within a week for $14.99 (or equivalent). I have a copy in my printer ink-stained hands and am checking it now to ensure no errors have crept in and multiplied while I wasn’t looking. As errors do.

Want more information? Check out the full summary, or the first chapter or even two cut scenes on my site.

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